Scoring Space

Scoring Space

Here is the first in a series of conversations in which we ask a musician to compose a score …

SLS Pilar Residences

SLS Pilar Residences

The SLS Residences in Pilar, Argentina is a new ground-up project developed by Barza Real Estate in partnership with …

Welcome to Arizona

Welcome to Arizona

Now licensed to practice Architecture in the State of Arizona

Park Avenue Plaza

Park Avenue Plaza

Every once in awhile you get to invent things - These clear, seemingly weightless columns, measuring 30 feet high and 6" …

SLS Scottsdale

SLS Scottsdale

HGX is thrilled to be part of the team for the new SLS Scottsdale. This world class class property …

Hudson Valley Residence – In Construction

Hudson Valley Residence – In Construction

Recently installed glass façade on the western side of the property.

April 28th

April 28th

April 28th, is the birthdate of Yves Klein (1928-1962). Painter, conceptual artist, performance artist, judo master. At HGX, we …

Black Soil

Black Soil

The black soil of the Hudson Valley inspires us with its depth and richness. In choosing colors and textures …



Never under estimate your downtime. Our interests take us across the world, and summer has always been a time …

Hudson Valley Modern

Hudson Valley Modern

We are so proud that the Hudson Valley Residence I is part of David Sokol's book Hudson Valley Modern.

Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

The Sag Harbor residence as featured in the Wall Street Journal. A Warm Welcome to a Modern House. Article …

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